Nihilist Podcast Network

The Reckoning Radio Hour (Jonathan Edwards)

Episode Summary

This episode of The Reckoning Radio Hour features an interview with Jonathan Edwards, who's on the show to talk with Hades, our host, discussing his most famous sermon from the brief, fleeting time he was alive, titled "Sinners In the Hands of an Angry God." This week's musical guests are The Dirt Naps, performing their song "Wars to be Won."

Episode Notes

This episode of The Reckoning Radio Hour features an interview with Jonathan Edwards, who's on the show to talk with Hades, our host, discussing his most famous sermon from the brief, fleeting time he was alive, called "Sinners In the Hands of an Angry God."
This week's musical guests are The Dirt Naps, performing their song "Wars to be Won."

This episode is sponsored on the underworld side by the Underworld Committee for Groups.

A word from NPN on this program: The Reckoning Radio Hour was discovered by NPN staff one day, when, after powering up one of the old sound boards in the studio, a frayed wire shorted out and started a small fire on the back panel of the mixing console. Not wanting to put out an electrical fire with his water, the sound engineer rushed off to find a fire extinguisher. As the small flame burned at the back of the board, the speakers in the studio began to emit a show, which was seemingly broadcast from the underworld itself.

Of course, since the sound engineer and producers all agreed that their personal experiences could in no way be objective, they passed this off as a fluke – an unfortunate side effect of being uncoupled from the world, only able to access it through our glitchy and unreliable senses. Yet, a year later, when the same faulty part caused another small fire, a faint sound came yet again from the speakers, when it clearly should not have been. Instead of reaching for the extinguisher, they let the fire burn and listened in. It was The Reckoning Radio Hour.

To this day, whenever the Nihilist Podcast Network wishes to air another episode of The Reckoning Radio Hour, they deliberately set fire to the mixing console, and as the metal warps, plastic knobs melt, and black smoke billows out the sides, the Reckoning Radio Hour comes in over the speakers, clear as a bell.

It subsequently recorded and passed on to you, our listeners.

NPN asks that you rate this podcast as many stars as there are deads, and review it knowing that you'll be joining the multitudes of deads soon enough -- and those deads may want to know why you didn't use your infinite free words saying nice things about them.

The Reckoning Radio Hour is a production of the Nihilist Podcast Network. Find and follow the Nihilist Podcast Network on Facebook, on Twitter @NihilistPodcast, or email nihilistpodcastnetwork at gmail.

Jonathan Edwards is voiced by Adam Baxter.
Other vocal talents, singing, script and production by Paul Obarowski.