"This One Time..." is a show of stories that, like our lives, have no purpose -- but DO have an end. This is episode 3 from Bill Baxter, who muses on the subject of death. (If you have children with you and you would like them to remain illusioned about death for now, you may not want to have them listen to this episode. Similarly, if you are feeling depressed, you may want to sit this one out. Or listen to it multiple times if it makes you feel better. It's up to you.)
"This One Time..." is a show of stories that, like our lives, have no purpose -- but DO have an end.
This is episode 3 from Bill Baxter, who muses on the subject of death.
(If you have children with you and you would like them to remain illusioned about death for now, you may not want to have them listen to this episode. Similarly, if you are feeling depressed, you may want to sit this one out. Or listen to it multiple times if it makes you feel better. It's up to you.)
The Nihilist Podcast Network asks that you review this podcast kindly, using as many words as you choose, and rate it five stars.
Extemporaneous speaker: Drew Brathwaite
Theme Song: Paul Obarowski
Producers: Paul Obarowski, Alicia Watkins
"This One Time" is a production of the Nihilist Podcast Network. Find and follow the Nihilist Podcast Network on Facebook, on Twitter @NihilistPodcast, or email nihilistpodcastnetwork at gmail.
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